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Promising drone tests abroad - U-ELCOME

Extensive drone testing is not only taking place in Germany. New projects for the integration of unmanned aviation into manned aviation are also being developed in neighboring EU member states. This includes the U-ELCOME project.

Promising drone tests abroad - U-ELCOME

The U-ELCOME project

U-ELCOME is a project coordinated by Eurocontrol Innovation Hub, which has been tested at 15 different locations in Spain, Italy and France since November 2022. With financial support from CINEA (European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Agency) and 51 other partners, the project is scheduled to run for 3 years. The project will develop concrete applications and suggestions for improving draft legislation and services. CINEA is particularly committed to this. It is seen as improving the transparency and effectiveness of the management of EU financial programs.

Sustainable drone tests

The U-ELCOME project has the task of testing the legal framework together with the economic and civilian benefits of drones in practice-oriented scenarios. This means that it also involves the introduction and implementation of U1 and U2 U-Space Services. U1, i.e. the automatic identification and geosensitization of drones, and U2 U-Space Services, the management of flight planning, approval and safety, are being prepared for Europe-wide use by means of extensive tests. The tests will not only comply with the legal framework, such as the EU Implementing Regulation 2019/947, but also with the latest future-oriented concepts, such as the European Green Deal. This means that U-ELCOME not only uses and tests conventional electric drives, but also other sustainable drive concepts. These include, for example, hydrogen-powered drones, which are to be embedded in conventional supply chains consisting of vans and trucks in the future.

Further information can be found on the Eurocontrol website .