b.r.m. Blog

GDPR: Affected five times over

Compared to the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), the GDPR brings little that is new in terms of 'data subject rights' - with the exception of the right to data portability. However, it often specifies the vague requirements of the BDSG considerably. The new data subject rights in detail: 1. the obligation to provide information (Art. 13 and 14 GDPR): In principle, this already exists in the BDSG. However, it is sufficient...

Gray lists

Our customers regularly receive emails from us alerting them to 'suspected spam'. They tell them about all the emails they have received that advertise an unexpected inheritance from Nigeria or super-duper-cheap tool sets. This process is called greylisting. With greylisting, an email that has come under suspicion is initially held back by the provider. The...

Flowering areas and blade servers?

Anyone who counts themselves among the pioneers of green IT in Germany also observes developments outside of servers and away from the CO2-neutral cooling of data centers. Insect mortality and the end of biodiversity are therefore also of concern to us. The 'flowering area project' is a welcome project by regional farmers in the Lilienthal area, where citizens can...

Green IT and climate change

With the discussion about the CO2 tax, the topic of consistently implemented green IT is also gaining new significance. After all, global digitalization consumes vast amounts of energy. Every email, every search query contributes to the server load. Clemens Rohde from the Fraunhofer Institute in Karlsruhe says: "The energy requirement of data centers in Germany is currently around 10 to 15...

Green IT as a climate goal

Mitigating climate change is a cross-cutting task that is gradually affecting all sectors of society. Under the sponsorship of Forschungszentrum Jülich, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy has therefore created a project called TEMPRO, which aims to put the evaluation of the energy efficiency of data centers on a uniform scientific basis...

Qualitative growth

At first glance, the term 'qualitative growth' seems paradoxical: doesn't every 'more' also require a greater consumption of resources? This may be the case when we think of 'meat products' or 'refrigerators'. But other laws apply in the field of 'immaterial services'. Here, greater productivity without greater use of raw materials is quite possible...

IT service: Fire protection assistants

b.r.m. successfully trains fire safety assistants. employees The first employees at b.r.m. successfully completed the fire safety assistant training course at the beginning of January. This means that the IT service is now even safer.

VTOL-EGM: Room for innovation

A joint project of Optoprecision GmbH, b.r.m. business resource management Technologie- und Managementberatung and the Institute of Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen. As part of the project, an "unmanned airborne vehicle" (UAV) is being developed for efficient environmental monitoring. This makes it possible to penetrate the site of the pollution source and...